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  • Jiang Hua, deputy Secretary-General of Suzhou Municipal Government, visited "City Caitong" for research and guidance

    Release time: 2023-08-18 Source: City Caitong Views:


    On August 16, Jiang Hua, Deputy Secretary General of Suzhou Municipal Government, and the relevant leaders of Suzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce, SAFE and Tax Bureau came to visit"Market Caitong"Research guidance。Changshu Municipal Committee Standing Committee, Vice mayor Wan Xiaojun and relevant departments in charge of the investigation。

    At the meeting, Jiang Wei, general manager of Jiangsu China Service Focus Cross-border Trade Service Co., LTD., introduced the information and digital integration operation of the "City Caitong" platform in detail。At present, the "city Caitong" as the national market procurement trade pilotCreate enterprise integrated service platform,It has now been upgraded to a provincial platform and become a "Jiangsu model" of market procurement trade created by Jiangsu Province.。

    Xu Guoqiang, director of Changshu City Commerce Bureau, reported the promotion of Changshu City market procurement trade work, and elaborated the next step work ideas and suggestions。Wan Xiaojun proposed to speed up the promotion of market procurement trade in the essence of SuzhouSexual linkage, dredging to solve the presentBottlenecks and difficulties in development。

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    Deputy Secretary-General Jiang Hua pointed out Deputy Secretary-General Jiang Hua fully affirmed the "Jiangsu model" of Changshu City with "city Caitong" as the core, and put forward guidance on continuously stimulating the growth vitality of market procurement trade。He points out,Changshu market purchase trade in Suzhou area of substantive linkage is imperative,All departments in Suzhou need to speed up coordination,From point to surface, promote together,To cover the whole Suzhou area as the goal,To promote the stable, healthy and high-quality development of new forms and models of foreign trade in the city,Help the new forms and models of foreign trade to run out of "acceleration",We will further unleash new growth drivers for foreign trade。