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Risk early warning
  • Overseas risk early warning
  • Foreign trade barriers related to China
  • Intellectual property
  • Typical cases of Chinese Customs intellectual property protection in 2002

    Release time: 2023-04-26 Source: General Administration of Customs Views:

    案例一1 厦门海关查获出口侵权奢侈品牌包案厦门海关查获出口侵权奢侈品牌包案  

    2022年9月,厦门海关所属高崎海关在对泉州某供应链公司申报出口的一批货物进行查验时,发现标有UMBRO等近10个国际知名运动品牌休闲鞋共计2259双。此外,该批货物中夹藏一批未如实申报的品牌包,经查验发现有1196个包及其外包装、随附标签上标有多个国际知名奢侈品牌标识。上述品牌包均包装完好,制作精良,其中的部分包随附境外购物发票、刷卡单、境外海关放行单据等全套境外购买及通关凭证,每个包售价折合人民币8000余元。经权利人鉴定,上述鞋包均为侵权产品,海关依法予以扣留,同时通报公安机关联合开展研判。根据该关线索,公安机关深挖扩线,抓获犯罪嫌疑人18人,捣毁制假藏假窝点3个,当场查获拟出境的包、运动鞋9000余件,案值达3.5.7 billion yuan。经初步查明,嫌疑人拟将上述包夹藏出境后,再由境外“代购”人员以跨境销售方式返销国内,以假充真,赚取高额利润。  

    This case is a typical case of customs paying attention to new methods of infringement and effectively protecting the legitimate rights and interests of domestic consumers。近年来,随着经济发展,社会公众对奢侈品的购买需求不断上涨,“境外代购”“海淘”等新兴购物模式方兴未艾。该案中,犯罪嫌疑人抓住“商机”,将侵权货物先出后进,形成“夹藏出境—代购邮寄—返销国内”的完整链条,通过伪造的“代购”全套票据以及真实的物流信息,以假充真,欺骗国内消费者。该案的查处有效保护了权利人和国内消费者的合法权益,引导、提醒社会公众理性消费,通过正规渠道购买海外商品。  

    Case 1: Guangzhou Customs seized the export of infringing toothpaste  

    2022年4月,连云港某进出口有限公司以一般贸易方式向海关申报出口一批货物至RCEP成员国新加坡。General Administration of Customs风险防控局(黄埔)在黄埔海关提供侵权趋势信息的基础上,对该批货物实施布控,广州海关执法人员根据布控在查验时发现,集装箱中夹藏标有“COLGATE”标识牙膏136512支,价值136.RMB 50,000。权利人认为上述夹藏货物涉嫌侵犯其在General Administration of Customs备案的商标权,广州海关依法扣留上述侵权嫌疑货物,调查后作出没收侵权货物并处罚款的行政处罚决定。   

    该案是海关推进《手机上买球app排行榜》(RCEP)实施,高效打击侵权行为的典型案例。海关开展Intellectual property保护专项行动“龙腾行动2022”期间,加强对输往RCEP成员国家侵权货物的监管和风险防控,加大RCEPIntellectual property海关保护政策宣传力度,推进RCEP协定有效落地。本案中,海关加强侵权风险联防联控,健全“响应、呼应、反应”机制,充分发挥海关监管链条的整体合力,提高跨境侵权治理效能。  

    Case 1: Shenzhen Customs seized the import of clothing infringing trademark rights  

    2022年8月,A company in Guangxi entrusts a company in Hunan to declare a batch of imported goods to the customs in general trade,Shenzhen Baoan Airport Customs of Shenzhen Customs uses big data analysis to carry out special control and inspection,在该批进口货物中查获带有“MLB”等标识的羽绒服等货物3539件,Value of goods 45.RMB 560,000。相关权利人认为,上述货物涉嫌侵犯其在General Administration of Customs备案的商标权,2022年9月,海关依法扣留相关侵权嫌疑货物,调查后作出没收侵权货物并处罚款的行政处罚决定。   


    Case 1: Huangpu Customs protection small and medium-sized enterprises mineral processing equipment invention patent case  

    2022年7月,Guangzhou beneficiation equipment Co., Ltd. submitted an application to Huangpu Customs,称广州某公司即将在广州黄埔老港口岸出口至马来西亚的采矿设备(螺旋溜槽)涉嫌侵犯其发明专利权,Apply for customs to detain the goods,And submitted to the customs invention patent certificate, infringement points comparison and other evidence materials。黄埔海关立即对该企业提供的证据材料进行审核后,采取精准布控措施。7月14日,黄埔海关在对该批货物进行查验时,发现采矿设备两槽螺旋溜槽设备15台、三槽螺旋溜槽设备41台,涉嫌侵犯权利人的发明专利权。On July 20, Huangpu Customs detained the above allegedly infringing goods in accordance with the law。权利人在海关扣留相关涉嫌侵权货物后向法院提起了侵权诉讼,海关积极配合法院对涉嫌侵权货物进行取证,保障权利人顺利维权。   

    This case is a typical case of customs protecting the core patents of small and medium-sized enterprises and helping the private economy to flourish。Small and medium-sized enterprises are the new force of national economic and social development,The right holder of this case has obtained invention patents from 6 countries, including China,Annual sales of more than 10 million yuan,The counterfeit products on the market occupy the market share of the right holder,Seriously affect the survival and development of enterprises,The Customs actively supports smes to innovate and defend their rights,To provide "one-to-one" guidance services for rights holders。该案是海关充分运用Intellectual property保护职能,维护创新型中小企业合法权益,着力帮扶企业纾困解难的生动实践。  

    Case 1: Jiangmen Customs seized the export of infringing motorcycle engines and accessories  

    2022年6月,江门海关收到广东某摩托车技术有限公司反映自有品牌摩托车在海外市场被大量侵权的情况,江门海关立即对企业开展维权帮扶。8月,Jiangmen Customs according to the clues provided by the right holder,Implement control of 15 container motorcycle parts declared for export by Jiangmen Technology Co., LTD,经查验发现标有翼翅图形标识的150CC发动机整机6000台、摩托车发动机配件5吨、以及其他摩托车组件105.99 tons, worth RMB 942.350,000 yuan, suspected of violating the "Haojiang" trademark rights filed by the right holder in the General Administration of Customs。权利人认为该批货物涉嫌侵犯其在General Administration of Customs备案的商标权并提出保护申请,海关依法扣留上述侵权嫌疑货物。   

    办案过程中,江门海关发现监管区内另有24个集装箱中装有与上述在扣发动机及配件相匹配的关联货物,但尚未申报。The customs promptly informed the market Supervision Administration of the relevant clues。权利人向人民法院就24个集装箱的关联货物提起财产保全申请,海关依法协助法院执行。   

    该案是海关推动跨部门执法协作、构建Intellectual property大保护格局的典型案例。Intellectual property保护是一个系统工程,海关作为进出境监督管理机关,是国家Intellectual property保护体系的重要环节,与国内生产、销售、流通等环节的Intellectual property保护,共同形成Intellectual property保护的有机整体。该案中,海关主动通报市场监督管理部门,积极协助司法机关,推动Intellectual property全链条保护,为健全衔接顺畅、快速高效的协同保护机制进行了有益探索。  

    案例一6 上海、汕头、大连、南宁海关保护外资企业Intellectual property系列案  

    2022年1月,上海海关所属洋山海关在对宁波某贸易公司申报出口的一批制动泵、凸轮轴等货物进行查验时,发现集装箱内部藏匿有大量未申报的标有“TOYOTA”“FORD”等15个汽车品牌标识的火花塞、汽缸垫、活塞环等货物共计10.More than 50,000 pieces, worth more than 610,000 yuan。Confirmed by the right holder, the above auto parts are infringing products。   

    2022年1月,汕头海关所属广澳海关在对诸暨某进出口有限公司申报出口的一批玩具进行查验时,发现其中有3万个气球,每个气球上均标有冰雪奇缘、小猪佩奇、小黄人等多种著名动画电影卡通人物形象。As confirmed by the copyright owner of the above works, the above balloons are infringing products。   

    2022年7月,大连海关发现关区出口笔类商品数量激增,研判存在较大的侵权风险,遂开展专项执法行动。8月,该关所属北良港海关查验时发现,申报出口的圆珠笔外包装箱采取中性包装方式,但圆珠笔本身均标有“PILOT”标识,经查共计24万支。同一时间,该关所属大窑湾海关查获标有“三菱图形”标识的圆珠笔3050支。The right holder confirms that the above ballpoint pens are infringing products。   

    2022年7月,Longbang Customs under Nanning Customs inspected the groceries exported by a company in Jingxi City,发现其中标有“TISSOT”“TAGHEUER”“OMEGA”“SEIKO”“LONGINES”等标识的手表共计4765块,Worth RMB 100.60,000 yuan, confirmed by the right holder, the above watches are infringing products。   

    该系列案是海关依法保护外商投资企业权益,营造一流营商环境、推动更高水平开放的典型案例。Intellectual property保护关系国家对外开放大局,严格保护Intellectual property,有利于持续优化营商环境,建设更高水平的开放型经济体系。The series of cases,海关始终秉承“同保护”理念,平等保护中外企业的合法权益。  

    案例一7 杭州、兰州、天津、昆明海关加强行刑衔接查办出口侵权货物系列案  

    2022年1月,杭州海关对一批通过铁路运输出口的货物进行查验时,发现该批货物实际为钛白粉颜料,共11875千克,价值人民币31.45万元。权利人认为上述货物涉嫌侵犯其在General Administration of Customs备案的“TI-PURE”商标权。杭州海关迅速启动“两法衔接”机制,将该案通报移交公安机关刑事立案侦查。At present, the public security organs have taken criminal coercive measures against two suspects。   


    2022年6月,天津海关在货运渠道查获侵权拉杆箱933个,价值人民币111.65万元,涉嫌侵犯“BMW”、 “图形(小黄人)”商标权和“CARS - STYLE GUIDE PACKAGING AND RETAIL SIGNAGE”著作权。As confirmed by the right holder, the above suitcases are infringing products。天津海关依法启动“两法衔接”机制,配合公安机关在生产端、销售端抓获犯罪嫌疑人3名。   

    2022年7月,昆明海关在南伞口岸边民互市渠道发现,于某某申报出口的白酒包装上印有“天之蓝”“海之蓝”图文标识,共计34箱、168瓶,价值人民币12万元。权利人认为上述货物涉嫌侵犯其在General Administration of Customs备案的“天之蓝及图形”“海之蓝及图形”商标权。昆明海关加强“两法衔接”,配合公安机关后续查获侵犯商标权的假酒900余箱。   

    该系列案是海关立足Intellectual property保护行政执法,对群众反映强烈、社会舆论关注、侵权假冒多发的重点领域和区域重拳出击,强力推动行政执法与刑事司法衔接的典型案例。The series of cases,海关在货运、保税、边民互市等不同渠道积极开展“两法衔接”的实践,"Golden period" for the detection of robbery cases,Give full play to the advantages of customs protection of intellectual property rights in the timely interception of import and export links,Cooperate with public security organs to "break the source, break the network, break the chain",We will vigorously crack down on illegal and criminal activities that infringe intellectual property rights。  

    Case 1: Fuzhou, Qingdao and Gongbei Customs investigated a series of infringement cases of cross-border e-commerce channels  

    2022年3月,福州海关所属榕城海关在对福建某公司以跨境电商贸易方式申报出口的包裹进行查验时,Found a batch of poorly made, poorly packaged clothing,Retrieved data,Found that the company declared the export of multiple parcels at the same time,Extended inspection,A total of 1660 pieces of clothing and footwear belonging to 35 well-known brands were found to have been infringed,Confirmed by the right holder are infringing products。   2022年7月,青岛海关所属胶东机场海关在对一批以跨境电商贸易方式申报出口的货物进行查验时发现,申报清单存在申报品名模糊、品名高度集中、分运单号高度相似等多处疑点,Box by box open check,发现涉嫌侵犯“SAMSUNG”“APPLE”等20余个品牌商标权的充电插头、手机背板、挎包等各类侵权商品共计12943件,Value RMB 26.70,000 yuan, confirmed by the right holder as infringing products。   

    2022年11月,拱北海关所属横琴海关在对某公司以跨境电商贸易方式申报出口的582个包裹进行开包查验时,发现大量绣有国际足球联合会和2022年卡塔尔世界杯图案标识的球衣和足球共915件,Confirmed by contacting the right holder,侵犯国际足球联合会和2022年卡塔尔世界杯“QATAR 2022”“FIFA”“大力神杯图形”等相关Intellectual property。   

    This series of cases is a typical case of the customs to adhere to the "fight and promote integration" and promote the healthy development of new business forms。近年来,跨境电商迅猛发展,极大地拓宽了企业进入国际市场的路径,逐步成为我国外贸新增长引擎。The series of cases,海关针对跨境电商贸易物流通关速度快、商品品种繁杂、清单对应海量信息等特点,充分运用大数据监控分析优势,提升Intellectual property保护执法水平,维护跨境电商渠道进出口贸易秩序。与此同时,海关加强跨境电商合规经营宣传力度,提升企业守法经营意识,引导企业自觉遵守Intellectual property海关保护法律法规。  

    Case 1 9 Nanjing, Beijing, Urumqi Customs investigation and distribution of mail channel infringement goods series cases  

    Suzhou Customs under Nanjing Customs is conducting routine inspection of outbound postal parcels,Several abnormal parcels sent overseas from Suzhou, Changzhou and other places have been found for many times,经重点查验后发现邮包内为标有“奥林匹克五环图案”标志球衣、“Disney”鞋子、“Benz”车标等物品。Suzhou Customs relies on the "on-site inspection + risk control" mode,Extract elements of infringing information for risk control,最终在出境邮包中查获涉嫌侵犯冰墩墩图案等奥林匹克标志专有权、“Disney”等商标权的钥匙扣、服装鞋帽、汽车配件等1098批次,More than 2,000 items are involved。   



    该系列案是海关依托科技赋能、打击“蚂蚁搬家”式侵权违法行为的典型案例。The Customs has carried out "Blue Net Action" to protect intellectual property rights in delivery channels for three consecutive years.,We will continue to strengthen customs protection of intellectual property rights through delivery channels,The series of cases,Customs creates intelligent risk control model,Target key postal routes related to the entry and exit of goods with high risk of infringement,Make full use of CT machine on the same screen to check the infringement risk,The application of innovative technology is embedded in the whole process of intellectual property law enforcement,Achieve rapid identification and precise strike,And continue to expand the results by focusing on similar mails,Organic integration of machine inspection and manual inspection,We will continuously improve the effectiveness of IPR enforcement。  

    Case 1 10 Ningbo, Chengdu, Changsha, Jinan Customs seized a series of infringement game cards  

    2022年2月,宁波海关所属梅山海关对义乌某公司申报出口的一批申报品名为“硅胶玩具”“塑料钱包”的货物进行查验时,发现其中夹带标有“POKEMON”标识的游戏卡片457.60,000 copies, game card book 1.470,000 copies, 2460 sets of toy boxes。As confirmed by the right holder, the above game cards, card books and toy sets are infringing products。   

    2022年3月,成都海关所属成都双流机场海关在出口货运渠道查获卡牌148.830,000 copies, card books 1.80,000 copies, commemorative coin 1.620,000, plastic protective shell and supporting wrapping paper 7.20,000 units, with the "POKEMON" logo on the cargo。The right holder confirms that the goods are infringing products。   

    2022年5月,长沙某公司以市场采购贸易方式向长沙海关所属星沙海关申报出口一批纸卡片,拟通过中欧班列经霍尔果斯口岸运往海外。After inspection, it was found that the batch of goods were marked with the "POKEMON" logo, a total of 19.8万张。The right holder confirms that the game cards are infringing。   

    2022年1月,济南海关所属济南机场海关在对南京某公司以一般贸易方式申报出口的服装、游戏卡片等货物进行现场查验,发现实际货物中标有“POKEMON”标识的游戏卡片32万张。As confirmed by the right holder, the above goods are infringing products。2022年11月,济南机场海关又查获了南京另一家公司出口的侵权游戏卡片2.5万张。   

    该系列案是海关关注侵权新趋势、有效遏制新型消费品侵权的典型案例。随着全球“宅经济”发展,海关查获进出口室内娱乐消费品侵权比重攀升。The series of cases,Customs are keen to spot new trends in infringement,Focus on the high incidence of infringement of goods to carry out special treatment,Carry out real-time dynamic monitoring of infringement,On the one hand, we will strengthen the sharing of clues and information,Form a national customs "chess" pattern,On the other hand, strengthen the "connection between the two laws",Cooperated with the public security organs to successfully destroy the counterfeiting dens,Several suspects were arrested,Effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of rights holders and the health and safety of consumers, especially children。